Alumni Network:


Our alumni network is a community of graduates who have gone on to make significant contributions in their respective fields. Our alumni network is an important part of our school community, and we are proud of the accomplishments of our graduates.


We provide our alumni with a range of resources and services, including networking events, career services, and mentoring opportunities. Our alumni network is designed to help our graduates stay connected with each other and with our school community.


Parent Teacher Association (PTA):


Our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a volunteer organization that supports our school community by organizing a range of events and activities that promote parent involvement and support student learning. The PTA is made up of parent volunteers who are dedicated to supporting our students and our school community.


We encourage our parents to get involved with the PTA and to use their skills and talents to make a positive impact in the school community. Our PTA organizes a range of events and activities, including parent-teacher conferences, cultural festivals, and community service projects.


Volunteer Opportunities:


We offer a range of volunteer opportunities for members of our school community who are interested in making a positive impact in the world. Our volunteer opportunities include community service projects, fundraising events, and mentoring programs.


We believe that volunteering is an important component of a well-rounded education, and we encourage our students and families to get involved in our volunteer programs. Our volunteer programs are designed to provide our students with meaningful and rewarding experiences that promote personal growth and development.


Community Service Projects:


At Logos Vision International School, we are committed to making a positive impact in our local and global communities. We organize a range of community service projects that allow our students to use their skills and talents to make a difference in the world.


Our community service projects are designed to be meaningful and impactful, and we work closely with local and global partners to ensure that our projects are aligned with their needs and goals. We believe that community service is an essential component of a well-rounded education, and we encourage our students to use their voices and actions to make the world a better place.